You name it, I’m into it, just about, but I spend most of my time on orienteering and the Scouts. Orienteering is wicked, you sweat like a pig, but you have to really have your wits about you not to get totally lost. And in the Scouts, I’m the leader. It’s great, I’ve got a group of kids around ten years old. We meet up once a week, and at least once a month we do something over the weekend. It’s pretty hard work, thinking up a programme, arranging for transport, finding and preparing the necessary gear, but it’s worth it if the kids have a good time. There’s two of us leading the group, me and my friend Martin.
I started going to the Scouts when I was young. Nela did too, but she dropped out when she was twelve. I really like it, you see loads of new things and you visit interesting places. And in the Scouts I’m just plain Aleš, nobody gives a monkey’s that I’m black. Nobody’s giving me funny looks or wondering how they’re supposed to behave to me. Apart from orienteering and the Scouts I play guitar. Music is, like, well good, know what I mean? When I play, I’m in a different world. |