What is “Czechkid”, and how do you use it?
About the authors
Texts supporting dialogues
Christianity in the Czech Republic
Citizenship and Multicultural Education
Cultural identity
Culture and cultural differences
Czechs and Jews
Czech as a foreign language
Czech-German relations
Excluded Localities
Foreigners on the jobs market in the Czech Republic
Generalisation in communication and prejudices
Hate violence I
Hate violence II
Inclusive education: Who, what, how and why?
Integration and assimilation
Intercultural communication
Manifestations of domestic violence in different cultural environments
Marriage and family in Islam
Mass media and the representation of foreigners and minorities
Myths and stereotypes about Roma people
New Religious Movements
Racism and racial prejudice
Refugee camps
Religious Experience
Religious Identity
Religious traditions and the present
State integration programme
Stereotypes and prejudices
The Czech Republic and multiculturalism
The Public Space versus Racist and Neo-Nazi Groups
The question of time and relationships between generations – a reflection
The residency of foreigners and their integration into the Czech Republic
The rights of national minorities and the teaching of foreign languages in the Czech Republic
Ukrainians in (and outside) the Czech Republic
Where do foreigners come from
Where do refugees come from
Additional texts
Anti-racist Groups
Classes for language preparation
Multicultural education
Roma – assimilation or integration
Slovaks in the Czech Republic
The spirituality of the Roma people in the Czech Republic
Vietnamese people in the Czech Republic – 12,000 km as the crow flies from their own country
Subject matrix