Old mobiles are like bricks
Tim is sending a message on his phone...
Ali: Magda, you really need to get a new phone - that one's like a brick!
Tim: What's wrong with it? It still works ...
Ali: Yeah, but, I mean, just look at it ...
Tim: Doesn't bother me what it looks like... I don't need a new mobile every year .... And anyway my parents wouldn't buy me one ....
Ali: Not even for Christmas?
Tim: As they say, I've already got one functioning mobile, and the money a new one would cost could be used to buy something more useful ....
Ali: Bull****! Like what, for instance?
Tim: To give to a charity for instance. Or use it to adopt a child long-distance, and so on..
Ali: It doesn't bother you that they give someone else priority over you?
Tim: Why do you think they're giving someone else priority over me? I have what I need ... Maybe I'd be a bit peed off if I didn't already have a mobile, but I've got one, so where's the problem? And anyway, a mobile telephone's not the be all and end all of life. …